Friday, December 30, 2011

Why is Sappho Called the Tenth Muse?

Dear Sappho,
Why is Sappho called the Tenth Muse? What qualities, attributes or gifts has she bestowed on humanity that would make her worthy of such a title?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sappho Claus

Dear Sappho Claus,
Please send me a woman to truly love. I am visualizing a passionate Goddess or, at least a High Priestess of Love. I’d prefer if she were a Muse who is also amused by me. Someone who is smart, sexy, charming, and evolved. A woman who loves the arts. Be sure she is someone who loves me (almost) as much as I love her. 

Make her someone who highly motivates me to be better than I already am, although I assure you that I am already a very good girl. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gift Free and Guilt Free

Dear Sappho,
I am the only unmarried childless member of my large family and I am expected to give gifts to many nieces, nephews etc. who usually don’t even bother to call and thank me. I’m considering going gift free this year, what do you think?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Happiness, Misery and the Law of Attraction

Dear Sappho,
I am losing my faith in love and romance. I have not been in a relationship for a long time and am losing all hope of ever being in one. I suppose I could go out and meet other women but I get sad when I see happy couples out and about enjoying themselves. It’s even worse at the holidays, I am hiding away more and more and fear becoming bitter. I doubt if you can help me, mostly I just want to vent.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pansexuals, Heterosexuals and Pomosexuals, Oh My

Dear Sappho,

I thought that your "Bisexuals are Not Gay" was a nice post. Don't forget about pansexuality, which I've seen a great amount of pansexuals lately, which is where they are completely 50/50 on their sexuality. They prefer nothing over anything.