Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Survive Republican Out-laws

Dear Sappho,
My girlfriend’s parents are Republicans and unfortunately we visited them the week of the GOP Convention. Their racism and ignorance of the budget issues was astounding, but their hatred of President Obama and taxes was shocking. I said some things I regret and now I’m wondering how to repair this political rift since I intend to have a very long relationship with their daughter who agrees with me by the way. I call them my outlaws because we aren’t actually married but how can I survive my Republican in-laws?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Art of Making Love

Dear Sappho,

How is it that some women know exactly what to say and do to make you feel loved and supported? How does one learn to express affection, communicate with charm, and comport one’s self with grace concerning love. Is this something you can teach or is it an innate talent and gift from Venus? How can I elevate love to an art?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tones of Flirting

Dear Sappho,
I’ve noticed that every time my girlfriend talks to one of her friends the tone of her voice changes. She sounds like she is flirting to me - but she denies that she is flirting or that she has any feelings like that for her friend. Do some lesbians change the tone of their voice when flirting? How can you tell?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Coming Out and First Love

Dear Sappho,

I know I am a lesbian who is emotionally and sexually attracted to other women, the problem is I am still a virgin "in love" with my straight best friend. I don't know where to find a girl friend that I will feel as passionately about as I do about my friend. My friend knows how I feel but tells me that although she loves me too, she doesn't feel the "same way about me" because she loves men. Do you have any advice for me?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Falling in Love Again

Dear Sappho,
I love falling in love and have fallen in love many times during my 37 years. I have been accused of being addicted to love, yet - I can find no higher purpose to serve. How many times does the average person fall in love during a lifetime?