Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sappho’s Girlfriends

Dear Sappho,

We know that Sappho was the most famous woman writer of the ancient world and that many of her poems were addressed to women. Who were Sappho’s girlfriends and what did she write to them?
Want to Know

1 comment:

  1. Dear Want,
    Although ten books of her verse were published by the third and second centuries B.C.E., most of Sappho’s poetry has been lost or destroyed. Today we only have access to four parts of four poems, of which just one is complete. What we do know of her poetry comes from 63 complete single lines and 264 fragments.

    Sappho’s poetry was personal, emotional, and focused on women. Her focus and feelings about women may have been more acceptable in the ancient world where women felt more free to express their passions toward one another, sexual or not. The words lesbian, and Sapphic have been used to define or describe homosexual relationships between women ever since.

    The names of fourteen of her girlfriends and students are revealed in her fragments. The most celebrated was Erinna of Telos. Three of Sappho's best-known friends and companions were Atthis, Telesippa, and Megara; and her students were Anagora of the territory of Miletus, Gongyla of Colophon, and Euneica of Salamis. Many of her fragments are addressed to Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of love. Below are a few of the lines addressed specifically to Atthis, Gongyla, and Gorgo.

    To Atthis

    Yes Atthis
    You may be sure
    Even in Sardis
    Anactoria will think often of us

    Of the life we shared here
    When you seemed the Goddess incarnate
    To her, and your singing
    Pleased her best

    Now among Lydian women she in
    Her turn stands first as the red
    Fingered moon rising at sunset takes

    Precedence over stars around her;
    Her light spreads equally
    On the salt sea and fields thick with bloom

    Delicious dew pours down to freshen
    Roses, delicate thyme
    And blossoming sweet clover; she wanders

    Aimlessly, thinking of gentle
    Atthis, her heart hanging
    Heavy with longing in her little breast

    She shouts aloud, Come! We know it
    Thousand-eared night repeats that cry
    Across the sea shining between us

    It was you, Atthis, who said
    “Sappho, if you will not get
    up and let us llok at you
    I shall never love you again”

    “Get up, unleash your suppleness
    Lift off your Chian nightdress
    And like a Lily leaning into the spring
    Bathe in the water”

    I hear that Andromeda
    That hayseed in her hayseed finery
    Has put a torch to your heart

    And she without even
    The art of lifting her
    Skirt over her ankles

    Be Kind to Me

    Gongyla I ask only
    That you wear the cream
    White dress when you come

    Desire darts about your
    Loveliness, drawn down in
    Circling flight at sight of it

    I am glad, although
    Once, I too quarreled
    With Aphrodite

    To whom
    I pray that you will
    Come soon

    Greetings to Gorgo

    I salute Madam,
    The descendent of many great kings
    A great many times
