Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Homophobia is a Disease

Dear Sappho,
Homophobia is rampant in modern day society, especially in the Bible Belt and Republican dominated states. It is probably the major cause of teen suicide and sanctioned by bullies as a natural cure for homosexuality.

I found you on Twitter and even though there are thousands of gay activists on Twitter I find homophobia exists there as well. What do you suspect is the major cause for homophobia and can it be cured. Did you deal with homophobia in your time on Lesbos and if so, how? 

Homophobia is a Disease 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sexual Identity: Is it Natural or Socially Constructed

Dear Sappho,

Is sexual identity and orientation natural or essential to the person or is it socially constructed and subject to change? Are people born gay or is it a personal decision to become gay? 

How did your society think and act about homosexuality and sexual orientation in ancient Greece? I think I might be naturally gay myself.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sappho's Curriculum

Dear Sappho,

I understand you had a school for girls that taught both the graces and the ways of love and wisdom. Some have compared your school to that of Socrates and his school for men. I am in education and I would like to know what the curriculum for these types of knowledge and some specifics about the outcomes expected. I am especially interested in hearing more about how your school devoted itself to the cult of Aphrodite and Eros. Any specific information about how you did this would be much appreciated.
A Lifetime Learner