Friday, November 16, 2012

What is True Love?

Dear Sappho,

What is true love? How do you know when you’ve found it? How would you define your true loves? How can you definitively know that your love is true when looking at it from the past, the future, on the side, or in the present? Is such a love destiny or chance? What type of love is truer than true love?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lesbian Visibility Butch or Fem

Dear Sappho,

What’s the story on butch fem gender roles within lesbian relationships? Is it mandatory, is it discussed, chosen and is it normal? I don’t know if I’m butch or fem, I consider myself androgynous and to tell you the truth I am uncomfortable when I see extreme caricatures of either.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Why Would Anyone Chose to be Gay?


I can’t understand why some people think being gay is a choice. I was born gay. The signs have all been there since I was 3 years old. I was always a tomboy who preferred boy’s toys and games over dolls and make-up. I was compelled to be gay - if I was to continue being true to myself. It’s not like I had a choice. I feel like my sexual orientation was predetermined by my DNA and possibly past lifetime experiences. In fact I enjoy being gay.

Born Gay

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sappho’s Charm School

Dear Sappho,
I understand you operated a finishing school for women on Lesbos in the 5th century BCE. I am interested in what topics you covered and the finished product of your program. Many young women could use a mentor that could introduce them to achieving a charming life. What did you teach?
Ms Manners

Friday, October 12, 2012

Living is the First Art

Dear Sappho

What lesbian couples have influenced and inspired you in your artistic and literary pursuits?

Pursuing Art

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bisexual Lovers

Dear Sappho,

Do you have any passionate examples of bisexual love between women??
Tell me a good one please.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Honoring the Loss of a Beloved Spirit

Dear Sappho,

How did the ancient world deal with and honor the loss of a loved one who has died? We believe in an afterlife, which many believe is linked to a reward or punishment system. Do you believe in karma or reincarnation? I just lost a beloved pet and am pondering loss, death and mortality.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Alice B. Toklas Brownies

Dear Sappho,

What in the world does Alice B. Toklas have to do with marijuana brownies?
Do you have the recipe?


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lesbian Seagulls and Gay Giraffes

Dear Sappho,

Back in the 70’s I remember hearing about a group of lesbian seagulls from Santa Cruz who had reproduced via parthenogenesis, is there any truth to this legend?


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sappho’s Girlfriends

Dear Sappho,

We know that Sappho was the most famous woman writer of the ancient world and that many of her poems were addressed to women. Who were Sappho’s girlfriends and what did she write to them?
Want to Know

Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Survive Republican Out-laws

Dear Sappho,
My girlfriend’s parents are Republicans and unfortunately we visited them the week of the GOP Convention. Their racism and ignorance of the budget issues was astounding, but their hatred of President Obama and taxes was shocking. I said some things I regret and now I’m wondering how to repair this political rift since I intend to have a very long relationship with their daughter who agrees with me by the way. I call them my outlaws because we aren’t actually married but how can I survive my Republican in-laws?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Art of Making Love

Dear Sappho,

How is it that some women know exactly what to say and do to make you feel loved and supported? How does one learn to express affection, communicate with charm, and comport one’s self with grace concerning love. Is this something you can teach or is it an innate talent and gift from Venus? How can I elevate love to an art?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tones of Flirting

Dear Sappho,
I’ve noticed that every time my girlfriend talks to one of her friends the tone of her voice changes. She sounds like she is flirting to me - but she denies that she is flirting or that she has any feelings like that for her friend. Do some lesbians change the tone of their voice when flirting? How can you tell?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Coming Out and First Love

Dear Sappho,

I know I am a lesbian who is emotionally and sexually attracted to other women, the problem is I am still a virgin "in love" with my straight best friend. I don't know where to find a girl friend that I will feel as passionately about as I do about my friend. My friend knows how I feel but tells me that although she loves me too, she doesn't feel the "same way about me" because she loves men. Do you have any advice for me?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Falling in Love Again

Dear Sappho,
I love falling in love and have fallen in love many times during my 37 years. I have been accused of being addicted to love, yet - I can find no higher purpose to serve. How many times does the average person fall in love during a lifetime? 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Evolving from Homosapiens to Homonoeticus

Dear Sappho,

It seems like the human race has devolved since your time on the planet. Heterosexuality was not compulsive and the arts flourished. Now we have global warming, mass violence and corporate greed destroying the fabric of our society. You didn’t have guns and now guns in the US kill 30,000 people every year. Please tell me how you see humanity surviving into the future. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Your Brain In Love and Intimacy

Dear Sappho,

I know I am in love with another woman. It seems like every song is to her, every thought I have is of her, and I can’t stop these lovely feelings, nor do I want to. The problem is she does not express her feelings easily. I don’t know if she fears intimacy is incapable of intimacy or just doesn’t feel the same way I do. Do you have any insight on love and intimacy and the difference between them?

Friday, July 13, 2012

To Atthis

Sappho is currently visiting her friend Erinna, a fellow poet on Greek Island of Tilos in the Aegean Sea archipelago. She hopes you will like her poem.

To Atthis
Though in Sardis now,
 she thinks of us constantly and of the life we shared.
She saw you as a Goddess
 and above all your dancing gave her deep joy.

Now she shines among Lydian women like 
the rose-fingered Moon
rising after sundown, erasing all stars around her, and pouring light equally
across the salt sea
 and over densely flowered fields lucent under dew. 

Her light spreads
 on roses and tender thyme
 and the blooming honey-lotus.
Often while she wanders she remem
bers you, gentle Atthis, 

and desire eats away at her heart for us to come.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I Dedicate this Song to You

Dear Sappho,
I recently amused myself by compiling a play list of all the love songs I have ever had with all of my serious lovers. I then asked my girlfriend, not for the first time, what her song with her ex was. She told me again, she couldn’t remember or doesn’t know. I was flabbergasted, how could she not know “their” song after more than 10 years of living together.  Either she’s very discrete, diplomatic or completely unsentimental. I have even had songs for women I have just had a crush on. What criteria do you use for picking a love song and how come everyone doesn’t have one?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Celebrate World Kiss Day

Dear Sappho,
World Kiss Day is July 6th, I loved your article on National Kissing Day last year. I was just wondering if you have anything new to say about kissing this year. I am a kissing aficionado, though far from the expert I’d like to be. Any tips would be much appreciated.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Emotional Fulfillment

Dear Sappho,

In spite of being in a “successful” relationship and having a few really great friends I can’t get over the fact that something seems lacking in my life. My partner and I are happy going our separate ways and retuning to home base. We have love, acceptance and mutual interactions and support, but something emotional is missing and I’m not sure what it is. We love each other even more than ever. Yet, I am an emotionally unfulfilled woman. What are the expectations for emotional fulfillment?

Lacking Fulfillment

Friday, June 15, 2012

Gay Pride, Self-Esteem & Jealousy

Dear Sappho,
I always look forward to Gay Pride Month because of all the parades, parties and gay events that promote pride and acceptance. However, my girlfriend seems to dread them and says it’s because she is jealous of all the beautiful lesbians who make her feel less than beautiful. I am a quasi-gay activist and find it difficult to understand why she fails to get the celebration.
Proud to Be Out

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lesbian Dealmakers & Deal-Breakers

Dearest Sappho,

Do you have a handy list of lesbian deal breakers that could guide some decision making for women who are temporarily blinded by love? Even her flaws seem adorable and I fear this will not last.

Can’t see the Future

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Was Sappho Exiled for her Poetry or Sexual Politics?

Dear Sappho,
I recently heard that Sappho was once exiled from Lesbos. Why was she in exile? What are some of the political and social dynamics that influenced her life and her poetry?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Why I Left You

Dear Sappho,
I read your post My Girlfriend Left Me with great interest being guilty of such a departure myself, I’d like to tell my side of the story:
I left while you were at work to avoid the drama and the hurt. I left you because you acted like our relationship was a burden to bear instead of a joy to be savored. I left you cause you couldn’t hear me any more, it was like talking into the wind. I left you because I felt lonely when we were together. I left you because you didn’t take our relationship seriously enough. I left abruptly to keep the cut clean and your memory of me sharp.

You want to know why I left you?  I left you for asking why - instead of knowing why. I left you because I love you too much to make you suffer my neurosis and expectations about love. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to wake you up. I didn’t realize you’d go on to fall in love with someone else so quickly. Now that you have, I’m sure I did the right thing, although please know - it did hurt me as much as it hurt you, please forgive me for hurting you.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Girlfriend Left Me What Should I do?

Dear Sappho,
I thought my lover and I would be together forever, 10 years so far. She recently asked me to marry her again. Last week she left me while I was at work. The night before we made passionate love until midnight when she asked me to make her a favorite meal in spite of me having to be at work 7 AM the next day.

While I was at work she called three times and begged me to come home early. When I arrived home that evening I thought we had been robbed, then I realized that only her stuff was missing. She left me an eight-page letter telling me how much she loved me, was in love with me, and wanted to remain monogamous. I don’t believe her but I desperately want her back. I am confused, angry, hurt and I need some advice, the pain is incredible and I’m not sure how to proceed.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Girlfriend Is Always Right

Dear Sappho,

My girlfriend thinks she is always right even when she is clearly incorrect. She has to have the last word on everything. I used to think it was cute, but I’m beginning to find it overbearing. I usually go along with her to save trouble but I feel like I’m losing myself. We have been together 7 years, and I have no intention of leaving her, ever. How can I change the communication pattern and get her to have more of a give and take attitude about life?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How We Taught the Graces or Rather How the Graces Taught Us

 Dear Sappho,

I enjoyed your piece on The Social Graces. You explained what you taught and why you taught it, but you did not detail how you actually taught the Graces. The importance of the social graces is obvious, how one accomplishes it is not as obvious. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sappho on the Social Graces

Dear Sappho,
Would you go into detail regarding the arts and subjects taught in your school for women and girls on Lesbos? Were there structured classes and standard subjects? Were there personal lesson plans for each student at each level of comprehension? What were considered the most important courses?
Curious Teacher

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Invoking Aphrodite

Dear Sappho
Who was Aphrodite and how much power did she have in the ancient world? 
I understand that Sappho invokes Aphrodite in some of her poem fragments. Can you tell me more?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Breaking Through Limitations

Dear Sappho,

I don’t understand why so many GLBTQ people feel limited by their sexual identity. It seems like heterosexuals are really the ones limited to duality and strict gender conformity, whereas GLBTQ people are free to reinvent themselves in new genders and genres.  How about a pep talk for the homo team?


Friday, March 30, 2012

Setting Boundaries

Dear Sappho,
My girlfriend is almost always late. For important events she runs 15-20 minutes late, for events she considers unimportant she could be as much as 1-2 hours late. I tell her that it shows lack of consideration and respect, she replies that’s their problem and that she is running her life on her schedule not theirs. Frankly, I’m embarrassed by her behavior, what can I do to get her be on time? I’ve tried everything I can think of.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Same Sex Marriage Rights

 Dear Sappho,
My lover wants to get married and I don’t, she thinks marriage makes sense and that it is the most practical solution to meeting our needs both financially and emotionally I see that it has all the responsibilities without all of the privileges. She has been married before and I have not. I am happy to arrange our financial assets in other ways, such as joint ownership or as a trust, but I am uneasy about the whole archetype of marriage. I’m afraid my lover will leave me if I don’t marry her...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sexism, Racism and Homophobia

Dear Sappho,
Were you influenced and limited by homophobia during your lifetime and if so how did it affect your writing, and your love life? 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Advice for Women Who Can’t Say No

Dear Sappho,
I have trouble saying no, especially to my girlfriend. I was raised to be pleasant and a people pleaser and I hate disappointing anyone, especially her. I find myself saying yes or maybe when I really want to say no in the first place. It’s usually no big deal, but my girlfriend has started calling me on it. Do you have some advice or tactic I can use to help me say no to begin with, and mean it?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Girls Out Night

Dear Sappho,
I am a lesbian in my thirties who has been is in a committed relationship for about three years now. My girl friend and I live together, we are very much in love, and we spend most of our time together, but - I’m missing time alone with my old friends. I miss just hanging out with the girls.

My girlfriend is a little insecure about me going out without her. I have tried to tell her it’s healthy for lesbians to hang out with other lesbians, but she believes it could lead to extra curricular sexual or romantic activities. I think it will lead to less co-dependency and more freedom to have, make, and keep friends. Can you help me try to convince her that a Girls Out Night is good for both of us?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality?

Dear Sappho
What biblical verses are used to condemn homosexuality? Does the Bible say a woman cannot love another woman?
Judge Me Not

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Romance is Intangible

Dear Sappho,
My lover flirts with me in sexual and nonsexual nuances through out the day. In her loving way she intellectually and emotionallly teases me, and I love every minute of it. She doesn’t need to buy me expensive gifts or bring me flowers or jewelry often. I like that she doesn’t take her eyes off me when I talk to her.

She is interested in everything I say and do. She actively listens and participates in everyday conversation and daily activities. She makes me feel special, she does not judge me or put me down. I think you are right that you get the love you give, because I love her the same way in return. Just want you to know that some of us are more romantic at heart in than others, and romance is intangible.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Love and Romance

Dear Sappho,
How can I get my lover to be more romantic? I know she loves me and is committed to our relationship, but I long to be wined and dined. Valentine’s day is next week and although I’m not expecting a romantic evening, I’m dreaming of one. Do you think love and romance are different entities or different phases of a relationship? I have tried to tell her how I crave more romance in our relationship but she doesn’t seem to get it.

My Heart Wants Romance

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Soul Mates, Spiritual Growth and Partnership

Dear Young Lovers

The archetypes of human behavior are models that are used as symbols, stereotypes myths, and epitomes. Carl Jung believed that archetypes are “ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious.” Marriage is such an archetype. When one enters into marriage one enters into the mainstream of how marriage is defined as a social obligation, expectation and course of direction. It is a moral path, putting the marriage, the children and the survival of the marriage beyond the value of the individuals involved. Many aspects of marriage have been misinterpreted and used as methods of domination. Including the creed that everyone must get married and conform to the archetype of marriage.

I prefer the idea of Partnership over the Archetype of Marriage. I realize that married couples get hundreds of additional rights and privileges that legally registered domestic partners do not get. I am not talking about the legal aspects here, although I do believe that full equality for all citizens is the correct constitutional interpretation.

Riane Eisler, founder of The Partnership Way and one of the 100 most influential thinkers of the 20th Century defines the framework and ideology of Partnership in her book The Chalice and the Blade. She compares the values of partnership to domination as a modality for interaction. A dominator model is an approach used to have power over, rather than power with. A partnership is more of a collaborative teamwork approach and Eisler gives methods and resources in her book Tools for a Partnership World.

A partnership in a business context is a joint working arrangement where the partners are otherwise independent but equally invested parties who agree to co-operate to achieve common goals or outcomes. Each partnership creates it’s own individual structure or process to achieve it’s goal. Partners share relevant information, and pool risks and rewards.

Dominator methods of power and control may include secrecy, coercion, fear, manipulation, and other forceful manners of control to dominate. The dominator way uses violence and codependency against others whereas the partnership way uses empathy with others as a framework to create interdependency. The partnership approach is about creating a win win situation that includes participation, trust, openness, and mutual benefits for all involved partners.

Gary Zukave writes about how, “Marriage is being replaced with a new archetype that is designed to assist spiritual growth. This is the archetype of spiritual, holy or sacred partnership. The archetype of marriage was designed to assist physical survival.” The archetype of Spiritual Partners or Soul Mates is to assist in spiritual growth and support.

Partnership is easily attainable by normal people within a partnership model. Instead of the marriage itself, the contributions of the individual partners to support each other in their growth and purpose as emotionally mature and spiritually conscious human beings becomes the important goal. That my friends is the difference between a soul mate and a spouse, although it is possible to have, or be, both. It's all what you agree on and define as partnership from the beginning of your relationship that determines how you will proceed. 

Visualizing a Higher Love

Monday, January 23, 2012

Henpecked Lesbians? Yes, dear....

Dear Sappho
I have finally come to the realization that I am a henpecked lesbian. I know I’m not the only one. Please ask your readers if they are they inclined to submit or willing to surrender in order to placate or please another? If everything you do or say appears to be wrong in the eyes of your significant other, you may be henpecked.

My girlfriend uses harassment and persistent nagging to get her way 98% of the time. I still love her but I don’t know how much longer I can live with her. Counseling failed to solve our disputes. In fact she acted like a self-righteous parent while detailing all my faults and none of her own during counseling. Our counselor pointed out that her behaviors appeared authoritative and dominating to no avail. She quit counseling and I continued, focusing instead on my self-esteem.

I would like this woman who I have loved long and hard to just live and let live. I long for her to appreciate my contributions and not dwell on what she considers to be my flaws. I’m always wrong and she’s always right - without exception ` from the way I eat, talk, walk, or conduct my day, She puts words in my mouth and reads thoughts from my head, none were which I thought or said. Is this considered mental or emotional abuse? Is it possible to break this pattern or should I just look for a new place to live while I still have any self-esteem left at all?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is Jealousy in Homosexual Relationships Different?

Dear Sappho
Jealousy in homosexual relationships is really not much different than jealousy in heterosexual relationships, is it? Are lesbians more jealous than straight women? Are gay men less jealous than straight men? What do you have to say about jealousy?

Shades of Green

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life, Liberty and the Right to Pursue Happiness in Love

Dear Sappho,

I don’t understand how some cultures, religions or people can tell other people whom they can or cannot love. Here in America the text of the second section of the Declaration of Independence reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Article 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of humanity."

How could there possibly be any legal question or argument to prohibit the right of some to love?

Joan of Heart