Thursday, December 30, 2010

Is it Possible to Love More than One Woman at a Time?

Dear Sappho,

Do you think it is possible to love more than one person at the same time? Is it moral or reasonable to feel that way? I am not talking about merely lust and besides I have lots of self-control. Sometimes I even confuse myself with my feelings and yet my feelings seem to be real. Do you think I should work on controlling my feelings more so I can eliminate or change this feeling or just let myself feel whatever I feel and be all right with it, I don't want to hurt anyone - including myself. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Girlfriend is Friends with ALL of Her Exes...

Dear Sappho,

My girlfriend is friends with ALL of her exes, is that reasonable or normal? Plus - I don't like all of them and some of them dislike me. I can tell that some of them have less than flattering things to say about me and I suspect they would like to see me gone from her life?  Did you have that problem on Lesbos?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Coming Out at Work?

Dear Sappho,

What about coming out at work? When people ask if I am in a relationship should I tell them the truth? People from other cultures seem to be especially distraught to find I don't have a man at home. Or should I just lie and let them believe that my partner is a man? I am torn between true to myself and making peace with a homophobic society.
Shy and Sly

Being Gay Was So Simple Before Gay Marriage

Dear Sappho,

I have an uneasy feeling about all this gay marriage equality. Being gay used to be more simple. No lifetime vows were required, just flowers in your hair and a few simple lines of prose. Now the tedious question of morality has raised the bar. What do they expect us to do? I'm afraid marriage would not only change (ruin) my relationship, but it would also alter my identity as a lesbian. They don't call it gay for nothing you know. Do you think gays should embrace marriage or is it just another trick to get us to conform?