Monday, February 27, 2012

Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality?

Dear Sappho
What biblical verses are used to condemn homosexuality? Does the Bible say a woman cannot love another woman?
Judge Me Not

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Romance is Intangible

Dear Sappho,
My lover flirts with me in sexual and nonsexual nuances through out the day. In her loving way she intellectually and emotionallly teases me, and I love every minute of it. She doesn’t need to buy me expensive gifts or bring me flowers or jewelry often. I like that she doesn’t take her eyes off me when I talk to her.

She is interested in everything I say and do. She actively listens and participates in everyday conversation and daily activities. She makes me feel special, she does not judge me or put me down. I think you are right that you get the love you give, because I love her the same way in return. Just want you to know that some of us are more romantic at heart in than others, and romance is intangible.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Love and Romance

Dear Sappho,
How can I get my lover to be more romantic? I know she loves me and is committed to our relationship, but I long to be wined and dined. Valentine’s day is next week and although I’m not expecting a romantic evening, I’m dreaming of one. Do you think love and romance are different entities or different phases of a relationship? I have tried to tell her how I crave more romance in our relationship but she doesn’t seem to get it.

My Heart Wants Romance