Saturday, February 18, 2012

Romance is Intangible

Dear Sappho,
My lover flirts with me in sexual and nonsexual nuances through out the day. In her loving way she intellectually and emotionallly teases me, and I love every minute of it. She doesn’t need to buy me expensive gifts or bring me flowers or jewelry often. I like that she doesn’t take her eyes off me when I talk to her.

She is interested in everything I say and do. She actively listens and participates in everyday conversation and daily activities. She makes me feel special, she does not judge me or put me down. I think you are right that you get the love you give, because I love her the same way in return. Just want you to know that some of us are more romantic at heart in than others, and romance is intangible.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Romance is Intangible.
    Some of the most romantic times of my life have been free, in nature; walking on the beach, making love in the mountains. or the woods. Laughing, singing, dancing, reaching out, connecting, Perfection and authentic attention to these details evaluates love to an art. Romance is a feeling.

    Teasing, flirting, playfulness, when real and mutual, is one of the greatest pleasures on the planet. The subtle nuances of romance and longing are there for gay couples to decipher as we have been doing for thousands years. A look, a wink, a comment, a personal touch, little acts that mean so much, are free when given with a loving heart.

    The attention to important details does keep love simmering on the stove, or altar. How do you know they are important? Because you’ve been paying attention, haven’t you? Paying attention is mandatory for romantic love, or any sustained kind of success. It’s also emotionally fulfilling to love and be loved.

    Unfortunately religion and society has repressed love between people of the same sex by varying decrees of discrimination; including arrest, harassment, rape, torture, failure, fear of losing one’s job, or children, and/or even death. This kind of discrimination has also made us want to be invisible. Sometimes even to each other. I’ve been giving the family/sisterhood nod for years, however it’s just been a short time since acknowledging another gay person could OUT that person and destroy their life.

    We are mostly either unseen, unrecognized, or invisible to the media, car makers, and the government, but thankfully not to JPC or Ellen. We are intensely scrutinized by the religious maniacs who appear to be more interested in our sex lives than they are their own. It can be compared to the bigotry of interracial marriage but with a heaping dose of sexism thrown in.

    Romance is intangible. It’s the way you feel with that special person who inspires you, uplifts you, who is intrigued and inspired by you in return. You, my dear, have discovered the secret of love, the key to romance and the true course of love. It is to love others as you would love to be loved (only if you have their permission). Keep doing whatever you are currently doing and keep me posted.

    Love & Blessings
