Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is the Personal Indeed Political?

Dear Sappho,

How I wonder at your words of love and inspiration.  How I would have loved to have been with you on the Isle of Lesbos.  How wonderful to live among women in beautiful harmony.  How can we create such an ideal realm in this day and time of strife and war and sexism and greed and genocide and homophobia.  Is the personal indeed political, and is that enough to make the world safe enough for love? 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Date on Lesbos

dear Sappho,

It would be so much fun to live on the ancient island of Lesbos and spend a day with you. Could you describe a typical date with you and your lover and some of the things you might do hanging out with the Beloved?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Naked Ladies

dear Sappho,

An old friend from my youth recently started sending what she calls 'sex emails' which are like a newsletter of naked young women in all their glory. I have always respected this woman and these emails do not diminish my feelings for her but I am puzzled as how to respond and or what to do with the photos.

I do not want to insult or judge her harshly but I am a little embarrassed by the photos. I haven’t shown them to my lover nor do I intend to. Nor are they that enticing, personally I think an ordinary photo of the friend who sent them is more of a turn on than a dozen or two of the naked ones. I don’t want to distance my friend who shared them, but what am I going to do with them?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Love, Support & the Status Quo

dear Sappho,

My girlfriend has been unemployed for some time now. I think she is tired of looking for work and has secretly given up trying to find a job. I am worried about our status quo and maintaining the same quality of living we had before she was laid off. I fear we will lose our house if something doesn't change soon. It is true that she supported me for years while I had personal problems, but she made 2 or 3 times more money than I do. Supporting her will not be financially possible for me at this time. I am sure if she tried a little harder we could make ends meet. I feel as though my world is falling apart and with it, our love. Any advice to save us?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Not Enough Cuddling or Flirting?

Dear Sappho, 

My girl friend is not romantic at all any more. At first she was but for several years now - she has treated me more like a roommate than as a lover. No more kisses, cuddles, flirting or even intimate talks. I feel stuck and don't know how to get her to communicate. I'm not even sure she likes me anymore. Every time I try to talk to her about it she tells me I'm being silly. Do you think we can overcome such an impasse and where do I start?