Sunday, January 16, 2011

Naked Ladies

dear Sappho,

An old friend from my youth recently started sending what she calls 'sex emails' which are like a newsletter of naked young women in all their glory. I have always respected this woman and these emails do not diminish my feelings for her but I am puzzled as how to respond and or what to do with the photos.

I do not want to insult or judge her harshly but I am a little embarrassed by the photos. I haven’t shown them to my lover nor do I intend to. Nor are they that enticing, personally I think an ordinary photo of the friend who sent them is more of a turn on than a dozen or two of the naked ones. I don’t want to distance my friend who shared them, but what am I going to do with them?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Embarrassed Recipient
    Send them to me, now. Before I can give a well-informed answer I must examine the photos themselves. I am sure that you have nothing to be guilty about. The graces themselves danced naked. Enjoy your liberal generous friendship and forward me the emails now before you forget.
    Helpfully yours,
