Sunday, January 23, 2011

Is the Personal Indeed Political?

Dear Sappho,

How I wonder at your words of love and inspiration.  How I would have loved to have been with you on the Isle of Lesbos.  How wonderful to live among women in beautiful harmony.  How can we create such an ideal realm in this day and time of strife and war and sexism and greed and genocide and homophobia.  Is the personal indeed political, and is that enough to make the world safe enough for love? 

1 comment:

  1. Dear BB
    My world is not so different from yours in that all the qualities and attributes of love, nature, integrity, spiritual growth and human companionship haven't really changed that much. There are more distractions but the human heart is capable of the same joys, thrills and hopes that I once and still do feel.

    I agree with you that the personal is political but more than that it is also spiritual. Ideals begin in the higher mind and often guide our spiritual and physical paths. In this way we each create our own worlds, miniature Isles of Lesbos, if you will.

    The integrity of the integral worlds we create depend on the quality of our intentions, the choices we make in everyday life; including the thoughts we think, the feelings we feel and the words we use to communicate. The people we chose as friends and the lovers we spend our lives with are all individual choices. Follow your heart and your instincts to make wise safe choices that will also allow you to freely explore possibilities for growth and happiness.

    I think more than anything else it is a vibration that we tune into, humming along in harmony. Like water seeks its own level, vibrational rates also seek their own level and flow accordingly. In other words there are many radio shows to tune into, find one you like or load up your ipod with all your favorite songs and sing along.

    Dedicate yourself to anything and that thing will guide you, I dedicate myself to love because it makes me feel safe and happy. Love is everywhere, and yes in everything. At least it is for those that focus on love and pursue it. Thank you for your sweet thoughts.

    love, Sappho
