Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Does Love Mean to You?

Dear Sappho,

I think I am in love with a woman who has never really been in love before. Not that she hasn’t had ample opportunity. She has had several long love relationships that involved, children, property and deep important commitments. When we talk about love, philosophically because we are not intimate she confides to me that she has never been truly, deeply, knocked you off her feet ecstatically in love. To me this is the very definition of being in love. It doesn’t happen often or always end happily but this is how I define love.

My question to you is; what does love means to you? How would you define being in love? How does one teach love? Can two people with such different definitions of love be in an ecstatic healthy long lasting love relationship? And on a personal note, although I realize you are Sappho and not Sigmund Freud, do you think that either one of us has a skewed perspective on love?


1 comment:

  1. Dear Perspective on Love,
    To me love is sacred. To me, it is the highest best thing in life. Without it you have nothing, with it nothing else matters as much. Love helps me weather every storm. It is the very heart and soul of happiness. It is a state of being somewhat like bliss. A whole lot like spring fever. It is a feeling, a vibration, a way of understanding and expressing emotions. One can love God, another person or another living soul. I am limiting this discussion of love between human beings with souls.

    Love is a vibrational or tonal octave; on the scale of emotions a high note not heard, sang. or appreciated by all. Some people harmonize and make sweet music together. Others not so much. That’s why when someone finds someone that makes her heart sing she may try almost anything to keep the music, or as I like to refer to it the ‘Muse” in her heart. I can tell you as a poet and a lover that there is no better, finer, richer, or no more delightful feeling, pastime or pursuit that love. But that’s just my opinion.

    Others do agree, look at the Bible 1 Corinthians 13. It affirms love as greater than hope and faith. It declares love as one of the greatest mysteries and knowledge. Why would anything one could feel for another person approach the depth and glories of the mysteries themselves or of all knowledge? Because once one learns the feeling of love, one has connected to the vibrational universal flow of LOVE. This is life changing. It’s like being born again, but this time to Love.

    I confess Love comes easy to me. I was born to teach love and I mentor and teach by example. I have been in love several times. Each time it was as though my heart had wings and just looking at my lover could send me flying. Each time I was in love it was as if God herself had presented Herself on Earth as a Lesbian just for me. I saw nothing but divine traits, I worshipped the divine in her and found no fault or flaws within her. I saw her higher self.

    It wasn’t always mutual. free will, different life paths, and lessons and all that. The right woman at the wrong time. The thing is, strangely enough, I still felt that way even though she may have not. And I of course ultimately understood because love does not force or control or manipulate another’s feelings to get their own emotional needs met.

    When it is mutual and there is a vibrational connection it is what many people refer to as true love. Alas, even true love has some occasional rough spots. Two people with different perspectives could have a happy, healthy, long lasting relationship. They wouldn’t perceive the relationship in the same way or feel the exact same feelings but they could still be compatible and harmonious life companions.

    Love, like water flows to it’s own level. Some people like it deep and warm, others like it shallow and tepid. Everyone is proceeding to the ocean of love at their own level and who is to condemn love in any circumstance anyway. So I don’t think either of you are lacking or skewed in your own emotional maturity, evolution or understanding of love.

    In my school, I teach that love is a sacrament. A prayer - that is felt body and soul. A song that is being sung to God, by the god in us. Wish your friend well and continue to love her. Love has a way of multiplying itself. Let your present be the presence pf love. The thing often overlooked about love is that it is better to feel love than be loved. Only then is the love inside yours. I hope your friend falls head over heals in love with you. But even if she does not, keep on loving and let your love bloom like a wild rose because the blooms are your own heart’s perfume and it is bliss to let your heart bloom in love with or without her. Love is a gift to the one who loves. It is not rare but it is precious. May Aphrodite bless you both with limitless unconditional love…..

    Love Always, Sappho
