Saturday, October 8, 2011

Keeping Your Sexual Chakras Open

Dear Sappho,
I have a sexually adventurous girlfriend. Every time we make love she wants to up the ante and I’m afraid I will eventually run out of steam or tricks to whet her appetite. Do you know of any sure fire sexual techniques that outlast the test of time and adventure?

Waning but Willing 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Waning but Willing,
    When the sex dies the relationship is in serious trouble. It sounds like you are either afraid of this happening or this is already happening in your relationship. It is difficult to constantly up the ante, when all the sex toys in the world spell boredom, you know you are concentrating on the wrong tactics to save your sex life. It’s akin to buying bigger and better presents until it’s impossible to either keep up or outdo your self.

    Romance is often the first step women use to bring more excitement and satisfaction to the bedroom. However that route could also leave you competing with yourself to find more and better, hotter, romantic overtures to keep the music playing. Romance and play are two of the best ways to keep interest alive. Pretending you are a long lost sailor returning home after being lost at sea, or a pirate or a starlet on a casting couch or take your pick, work the first few times but even they can become boring or trite over time. I like to play Sappho on the island of Lesbos, but that’s just me.

    I find that sex is healing and after using every gambit in the book of love I have come to believe that sincerity and intent are the best longest lasting aphrodisiacs, (which are named after Aphrodite). However sincerity and intent are not enough to consummate the action.
    I accidentally stumbled on a surefire way that works for me that I would love to share with you. It works especially well in long relationships that have lost their glow.

    It starts with opening each chakra, first from the front, then from the back. Or the other way around if you like. Always start with rthe root chakra and work your way up to the crown chakra. Chakras are the energy centers or vortices in the subtle body and are visualized as flower petals opening or wheels turning. Featured in tantric and yogic teachings. There are seven charkas starting with the root chakra and ending with the crown chakra. If a woman’s first three charkas are closed down she will have difficulty opening herself to pleasure or orgasm.

    To determine if the charkas are open I use a pendulum to see if the charkas are open by holding it over each chakra and watching to see if the pendulum moves in a clockwise rotation or circle over that chakra. If the pendulum doesn’t move at all you know that chakra is closed or blocked. First, test each chakra to see if it is open or closed, then go back and open the closed ones. The heart, solar plexus, sacral and root charkas are pivotal to having a loving, healing, sexual connection.

    The sexual chakra itself, the sacral or second chakra is very important and if it is closed the sexual energy is blocked. The second chakra is the chakra of sensuality, sexuality, and pleasure. It is also the chakra of emotions. When is it unblocked, this chakra allows for the free flow of emotional, sensual, and creative energy throughout your body The heart chakra is the jewel in the lotus and keeps love flowing. To open your partner’s charkas Place your right hand over your left hand and position it over about 3-6 inches over the closed chakra. Looking into your partner’s eyes and using your intention, visualize the chakra spinning in a clockwise position. Retest the closed charkas afterwards with the pendulum to see if they are open. Repeat as needed.

    It’s a turn on to have your lover’s intent and energy focused on your energy centers like this. In time you may be as turned on by the appearance of the pendulum as you once were by the appearance of sex toys. It’s a healing, caring, effective sexual technique that flows with caring intent and energy. Of course one can also learn to open one’s own charkas through meditation and intent.

    Open the flood gates and invite the damns to burst open. It works and it won’t leave you competing with yourself. It’s easy, it’s fun, it’s sexy, and it is important to know if your girlfriend’s heart and second chakras are open or blocked. It tells you immediately what you need to work on. Let the love light flow.

