Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gift Free and Guilt Free

Dear Sappho,
I am the only unmarried childless member of my large family and I am expected to give gifts to many nieces, nephews etc. who usually don’t even bother to call and thank me. I’m considering going gift free this year, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gift Free,
    The holidays are no excuse to balance the budget on your back? Can you say co-dependent? Can you say No? Yes, we have been trained to be capitalist consumers, but once it causes discomfit and or one becomes conscious of the unreasonable or unappreciated burdens placed up on us, we are free to release them.

    Not only do you have my permission to go gift free this holiday season, you have my blessing to be guilt free as well. The best things in life are free and make the best gifts after all. Love, joy, friendship, time, make life worth living. This year give first to your self whatever it is your soul craves most. Then, enjoy!!!!

    Happy Holidays,
