Monday, June 20, 2011

Kiss Me Till My Toes Tingle

Dear Sappho,

Tomorrow is National Kissing Day and I think a few kissing tips are in order not just for lesbians, but for all woman and their lovers. I have had many overtures of affection during my life and although houses, cars, vacations and general success are important displays of mature affection and passion, I have yet to find anything more powerful or satisfying than a tender, provocative passionate kiss. 

So Sappho, have you got any great kissing tips you would love to share with your girls?
Kiss me till my toes tingle

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kiss Me,
    Women often judge the future depth of a relationship based on the first kiss. Either it knocks your socks off or it makes you cross your legs. The best guidelines to go by include affection, tenderness, passion and sincerity. Time is of importance yet it has no reality. I once had a four hour first kiss by which all other kisses have been measured and found to be much too short. The most important aspect of that kiss was the way it was organic, unexpected, irresistible and receptive.

    In order to answer your question I looked at kissing advice presented by men, women and lesbians and while all have important advice to offer, I believe that Lesbian kissing elevates the art form. Soft lips thrill and melt me more. I found that much of the manly advice involved going for it, grabbing her unexpectedly, included holding on, don’t let her go and plant it on her till she can’t say no. I strongly disagree with this method. It is not effective for many women on a first kiss though - it is a great adjunct to the passion that will continue to build in later love making sessions. Rushing and forcing kisses destroys anticipation and the slow building of ineffable fires. Kissing is a loving communication that goes beyond words, lips speak volumes without a sound.

    Kissing is an art but it is also a prayer, a taste, a reverence, a salutation and an offering of intention and affection. It nourishes the soul. Have you ever eaten a ripe sweet peach that was so luscious, so juicy, so tender and sweet that it was like the nectar of the Gods? Some kisses are just that divine. Tenderness, receptivity, and responding in kind are all important virtues and attributes of an enjoyable kiss.

    As are clean breath, clean healthy mouths and disease free lips. If these criteria are met first, the next most important quality comes from the heart and soul of the lover. Without that, kisses are just kisses and do not provoke the expected magic and charm that brings true bliss or love. Let no woman forget that a kiss is a form of communication, one that elevates the body into the emotional realm. Have you ever been kissed so gently and so lovingly that you cried with spiritual joy? I have, and I want more.

    I’m not really a kissing expert or sage but I do think that a few tips are helpful though in truth they may be based on my personal preferences. But I have kissed and been kissed by some adorable lovely women with much satisfaction so I offer the following, especially for first kisses: No forcing, rushing, grabbing, slobbering or biting! Watch your tongue! Let the kisses flow like honey. The lips are the fruit of the heart. Build slowly, and be equally tender and passionate in your approach. Taste the nectar on her lips. Let the bliss emanate from your soul. Everyone gets one first kiss with her lover, make it a good one or there might not be another.

    Technique, while important is not as important as intention and feeling. Making out isn’t just for teenagers; it’s the secret to long lasting intimacy. Lovers who have been together for a while might benefit from make out sessions that involve kissing lessons. Take turns being the teacher/student and practice the way you want to kiss and be kissed. A good kisser is remembered affectionately forever. Kissing is it’s own reward, especially at the beginning of a love affair, don’t overlook the erotic magic of kissing which is always the opening act. Let your lover's lips talk to you without words. Hear her thoughts, feel her body opening up to the erotic thrill of connecting to you on all levels. It is the body soul connection that precedes the act of sex.

    Kiss your lover like she is the goddess of love, because with any luck or fate, she is, and will continue to be for a long time. Practice, communicate, pay attention, be receptive and yield to your passion. Be real, loving, and be prepared to leave your head and dive into pleasure. Remember – while kissing, your hearts are lit are on the altar of Love. Keep the love light burning….
    Lovingly XOX
